Virtual Access Feedback
To keep them free for you, ATMO-ACCESS deeply values feedback from users. We hope you will spend a few minutes on this feedback schema to feed our requested usage monitoring. Your opinions and feedback will help the ATMO-ACCESS team to understand what we’re doing well and where we need to get better. The feedback will be used by the VA management and the development team, in strategic decision and project coordination.
Frequently Asked Questions about the ATMO-ACCESS Homeless Data Portal
In the ATMO-ACCESS Project "homeless data" refers to data sets not associated with any long-term projects nor sustainable data centers. This includes data sets from Transnational Access (TNA) activities, research campaigns and ‘short-term’ national or international research projects.
Anyone with data which falls under the classification of “homeless data”, as described above, can use the service.
Data curation through the ATMO-ACCESS project is free of charge to the end of the project 1st of April 2025. Curation of homeless data will also be available after the projects end, but then associated to a low cost
The term “homeless data” itself is only used for the portal. All data curated through the ATMO-ACCESS homeless data portal will have an “ATMO-ACCESS” tag in the data centre for the respective RIs, to be able to identify these data later. Furthermore, the data can have additional tags, associating the data to a corresponding research project selected by the user of the service.
Yes, if it's atmospheric measurement data.
After submitting a request, you will be contacted by a data curator from a relevant RI about the future process. The data curator will explain the workflow at the relevant RI and guide you through the process. You will get access to tools used for data curation/submission. After submitting the data in the right format with as much metadata as possible, the data will follow the standard workflow of the RI, including quality control tests. The RI will then make the data available for end-users and assign the data set(s) DOI(s) and give you access to usage tracking tools.
It is expected that you format your data according to the needs of the relevant RI, with guidance from the data curators, and provide metadata to accompany your data set.
ACTRIS for data on reactive trace gases, cloud and aerosol particle properties.
ICOS for surface data on greenhouse gases including halocarbons.
IAGOS for data collected on moving platforms (aircraft, drones, balloons).
Yes, you will get access to RI specific tools for data curation after requesting data and being assigned to your relevant RI(s).
Storing your data in a RIs is the most efficient way to ensure long term storage of your data and promote visibility and access data for a larger research community. Using the homeless data portal makes sure these data are well documented for future use and easily available. Furthermore, you as a data provider can get access to usage tracking of your data.
A DOI is a digital identifier of an object, any object — physical, digital, or abstract. When delivering data sets through the Homeless Data Portal, each data set will be provided with a DOI by the RI. If there are several data sets, for example across different RIs, we also provide the option to get a collection DOI. A collection DOI is thus one DOI that identifies a group or collection of data that e.g. might have data across the RIs.
General Support
Let us know if you have questions or requests related to homeless data in ATMO-ACCESS